Kasten: a cloud native backup solution

Why do you need to use a cloud native backup solution to protect data within a Kubernetes environment?

Kubernetes, an open source technology that debuted in 2015, has quickly become the most common platform for container planning and orchestration. Over the years, thanks to its potential for high distribution and scalability, it has gained popularity and resonance in the world of cloud computing, becoming the basis for most applications.

The enormous potential related to the availability of data thanks to K8s, however, also leaves room for some gaps, including the protection of the data itself. In fact, high availability is not synonymous with backup and, given the revolutionary reach of Kubernetes technology, traditional backup tools are no longer suitable.

For a cloud native solution like K8s you need a solution of cloud native backup: Kasten by Veeam.

During this webinar, we explored Kasten's solution, which thoroughly understands Kubernetes and its challenges in Backup & Restore, Disaster Recovery and application mobility in this environment.

The agenda is as follows:

  • Introduction;
  • Container vs VM;
  • Backup for Kubernetes: legacy or real?
  • Kasten by Veeam: a cloud-native backup solution;
  • Q&A.
Roberto BondavalliRoberto Bondavalli
Roberto Bondavalli
CEO & Founder, CloudFire Srl
Francesco BonettiFrancesco Bondetti
Francesco Bonetti
Senior Systems Engineer, Veeam Software
Tech Talk
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September 29, 2022
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30 MIN