Cyber Security

Defend data and actively manage IT risks

Make your environments safe

Complete the security of IT environments

With a constantly evolving threat landscape such as ransomware, malware, interrupts, and more, taking the right Cyber Security measures to protect yourself is critical. Render Ogni ambiente deve essere resistente ai data breach, alle interruzioni, ai danni economici e di reputazione. Deve essere difficile da compromettere e veloce da ripristinare. Questo è il risultato che ogni realtà oggi si aspetta.

Unify and enhance cloud security
Accelerate Cyber Resilience
Speed up detection and response
Cyber security and vulnerability assessment

Which environments to protect?

Ambienti protetti da Cyber Security con CloudFire

The main functionalities

Protection of your data and systems
  • Next generation firewall, IDS/IPS, antivirus and advanced anti-malware to block threats at the source

  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Identity and Access Management (IAM) to control access

  • Advanced encryption to protect sensitive data

  • Email filtering, anti-phishing, anti-malware and web browsing control to prevent cyberattacks

  • Device protection solutions to combat threats and vulnerabilities.

Timely responses to incidents
  • Fast threat blocking to limit spread within the IT infrastructure

  • Forensic incident analysis to identify the cause, origin, and impact of the attack

  • System and data recovery with backup and disaster recovery solutions to quickly restore systems and data in the event of an accident

  • Automate incident response activities for greater efficiency and speed with SOAR technologies (Security Orchestration, Automation and Response).

Centralized management
  • Centralized management console for all security features and monitoring the company's security status

  • Generate detailed reports to gain full visibility of your security posture and identify areas for improvement

  • Automatic application of security patches and software updates to keep defenses up to date

  • Ensuring compliance with industry-specific regulations and safety standards.

Real-time threat detection
  • Continuous monitoring of networks, systems and applications to identify anomalies and suspicious activity

  • Advanced Threat Detection (EDR) tools to identify evasive and zero-day threats, even in container environments

  • Collection and analysis of information on cyber threats for complete visibility of the security landscape

  • Vulnerability management to reduce the attack surface.



What are the most urgent cyber threats?

In addition to common threats such as malware, phishing, and intrusions, users face specific risks such as:

  • Attacks on the supply chain: vulnerabilities in third-party vendor systems can compromise the entire supply chain;

  • Targeted ransomware: targeted ransomware attacks that cause serious disruptions to customers;

  • Data breaches: loss of sensitive customer data that damages the reputation of the Service Provider.

How can Cyber Security solutions help protect their data and that of customers?

Cyber security solutions help strengthen the security of your IT infrastructure, protect sensitive customer data, ensure service continuity, and demonstrate compliance with security standards.

What types of cyber security solutions are most suitable for Service Providers?

In addition to basic solutions such as endpoint security, network security, and cloud security, Service Providers should consider Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solutions for the correlation and analysis of security events, Threat Intelligence solutions to identify and prevent emerging threats, Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) solutions to automate the response to cyber incidents and plans of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity to ensure the continuity of the service in the event of a computer accident.

How do I choose the right cyber security solution for my business?

Choosing the right cyber security solution depends on several factors, including the size and complexity of my business, the types of data and systems that I need to protect, my specific security needs, my budget and finally if I intend to use a service as a service or Managed.