Public Cloud IaaS for Cloud Native Platforms

Which scalable cloud infrastructure for Business Critical and Cloud Native applications to choose?

Companies are constantly trying to remain competitive and, to do so, they adopt more and more often Cloud Native strategies.

By choosing Cloud Native strategies and applications, specifically designed for cloud environments, it is in fact possible to create highly scalable, flexible and resilient, which can be easily updated and modified to meet different needs without interrupting the provision of services. Approaching in this way and developing through technologies based on microservices and container, Teams can benefit from a significant reduction in infrastructure costs. In fact, thanks to their cloud native nature, these applications can be implemented quickly and scalably, without the need for any dedicated hardware.

Since there are different infrastructure options capable of hosting and running these applications, understanding their advantages, the differences available on the market and, above all, discovering which ones are most suitable for different realities can take time.

During this Tech Talk, we will explore the possible options of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) able to support this transformation, analyzing their differences in detail.

The agenda is as follows:

  • Introduction;
  • Cloud Native Platform model;
  • The three approaches on the market: Public Cloud - Scaler (AWS, Azure, GCP), Private Cloud, Public Cloud by CloudFire;
  • CloudFire - IaaS, the Italian Scaler.
Roberto BondavalliRoberto Bondavalli
Roberto Bondavalli
CEO & Founder, CloudFire Srl
Tech Talk
Text Link
June 6, 2023
30 MIN